About Us
Founded in 1984
JURCO brings together lawyers specializing in business law (corporate law, tax law, labor law, etc.) involved in all national or international legal and tax operations such as mergers and acquisitions, acquisitions or total or partial shareholdings, private equity or companies in difficulty, receiverships and legal reorganizations.
JURCO assists its clients in the main areas of business law, combining a high level of technical expertise with a personalized relationship:
- Acquisition audit, drafting of l.o.i / m.o.u., confidentiality agreement, data room
- External growth
- Negotiation and drafting of transfer/acquisition contracts
- Guarantee of assets and liabilities
- Joint-venture
- Shareholder agreements
- Equity management and leveraged transactions
- Acquisition of a stake or transfer of a controlling interest
- Refinancing
- Restructuring – bankruptcy proceedings
- Management of conflicts of interest or disputes between partners
- Tax planning and optimization
- National or international business litigation

Mr. Gérald FRAPECH, lawyer and founder of the firm, former Director of the Master 2 “International Asset Management” and former Associate Professor at the University of Sophia Antipolis, has developed within JURCO a division dedicated to Asset Management and advises wealth management consultants and asset management companies.
JURCO’s administrative base is located in the south of France in Nice.
JURCO is internationally oriented and has a good command of English and Italian. JURCO has a network of partner firms in many countries.
JURCO advises its clients in tax matters, both for companies and for their managers, and also in the context of asset transfer operations (anticipation, succession, etc.) and assists them in tax disputes.
JURCO also provides a legal secretarial service for the holding of meetings and advice to its clients.